Monday, April 4, 2011

Protest Project (week 9)

The recent events surrounding the battle over Governor Scott Walker's collective bargaining legislation (i.e. the Walker Bill) will certainly have their place in history. The bill will affect the lives of every public worker in Wisconsin, as well as their friends and families. It has opened the door to similar legislative decisions across the country. For this project, I want to reflect on the infamy of these recent political and social events. Never have I seen a group of people from Wisconsin so strongly take a stance and band together. I want to create a visual reminder for the viewer and get them to think about their own future actions in such a situation. I want to create an image that represents the general situation in a very stark, graphic manner, and be dramatically abstract in order to reflect the complexity and importance of these events. At the same time I want it to be easily recognizable, but neutral in a way that both sides could relate to the enormity of the occurrence. My target audience is primarily the people who take this situation seriously and have an active concern for the future of our democratic society. They would include my peers, family, friends, faculty, all state employees and importantly, anyone who exercises their right to vote. The photo to the left is of the sea of protesters, washing over the lawn of the Wisconsin State Capital. I plan on using this photo as the basis for my project.

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